Tuesday, April 1, 2014


"I'm getting old and wrinkled!  
Do you realize every year I'm going to be a year older? 
If I had known that having a birthday was going to be like this, 
I would never have allowed you to find out when my real birthday is!"

No goofing around today; just an actual fact from the Toobworld timeline.

Jeannie Nelson was born on April First in 64 B.C.  

And as she expected, she did get old and wrinkled.  (But no less beautiful after all those years.)  Freed from her bottle, she was no longer being kept youthfully preserved.

Her "Master" and later her husband, Major Anthony Nelson, aged a lot faster than she did.  Plus, at some point after the series ended but before the 1985 TV reunion movie, Tony developed a serious health problem.  So that she wouldn't lost him, Jeannie "regenerated" him to full health.  


But as would happen with each Time Lord's regeneration, Tony was remade into a whole new man.  He still had Tony's memories, but there were some added personality quirks which he didn't display before.  Jeannie had to cast a binding glamour about him so that anybody who looked upon him would either see him in his original form or had their memories adjusted so that they thought he always looked like that.  (It was probably such a two-pronged spell based on who saw him.  If it was somebody who might have access to old photos or home movies or TV news footage, then the first aspect of the spell would be activated.  For the others, it would be the second aspect.)

Her twin, Jeannie II, also aged during the years as she continued plotting against her sister.  At some point after 1991, Jeannie was able to rid of herself of her troublesome twin by blinking Jeannie II into a parallel dimension.  (Evil Toobworld would be a nice fit for her.)  Something along these lines had to happen, because Jeannie II has not shown up since then to cause trouble for Jeannie nor for Toobworld overall.  


Meanwhile, Jeannie continues to be seen in Earth Prime-Time, looking the age she appears to be - as of this post, a beautiful 83 year old.


She may even be a grandmother by now, if Tony Nelson, Jr. has married and fathered children. (Then again, he could have done all that and be gay as well.  Not that there's anything wrong with that....)

During the 1960s, a TV series was made about her by UNReel in order to keep her identity and true nature a secret from the general public.  This was unbeknownst to Tony and Jeannie at the time but then the show didn't begin airing until after we no longer were able to see them on our TV screens.  Once that happened, the genie was out of the bottle, so to speak.  (There were no follow-up TV movies.)

Jeannie was played by an actress named Barbara Eden, whose televersion does not look like her true self from the Trueniverse.  (And she is far less talented than the original model!)  Luckily we get to see the real Barbara Eden in movies and on TV talk shows.  And as for the genie who looks so much like her?  The Trueniverse TV show of 'I Dream Of Jeannie', like all the TV shows we see, is a window into the "reality" of Earth Prime-Time.

So happy birthday, Jeannie Nelson!

'I Dream Of Jeannie'
"I Dream Of Jeannie - 15 Years Later"
"I Still Dream Of Jeannie"
'Wetten Das....?'
'American Dreams'
"Old Navy"


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