Thursday, July 11, 2013


'Franklin & Bash'
"Captain Johnny"

Damien Karp:
What are you, like... secret royalty?

Rachel King:

Yeah, I'm Princess Khaleesi from the House Targaryon

By now I'm sure all of Team Toobworld recognizes that as a reference to George R.R. Martin's book cycle "A Song Of Ice And Fire", which has been adapted into an HBO series called "Game Of Thrones".

But because there was nothing to cause a Zonk regarding the TV series, we automatically defer it to be a reference to the books. (The events of those books happened in Earth Prime-Time's universe, on the twin planet Mondas. Martin somehow got hold of the history of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and wrote it up as fantasy. How he did so is still up for a good splainin, but I gave it a shot already.)

So for Rachel to invoke the title held by Danaerys, she must have read the books. However, I don't think they made too strong an impression on her - it sounded as though she was using the title of "Khaleesi" as a personal name. She should have said "Khaleesi Danaerys of the House Targaryon" instead.

But I forgive her. (Ain't I noble?) Not everybody can be the O'Bsessive nerd that I am.

Plus... she's played by Heather Locklear, who can do no wrong!


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